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The final exam "economic rights." Regional Financial - Economic Institute.
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1. Which of the following does not apply to business signs?
a) independence;
b) the conduct of business at their own risk;
c) focus on the systematic profit;
d) full financial responsibility.
2. What are the responsibilities provided for illegally doing business?
a) an administrative fine of 500 to 2,000 rubles;
b) a fine of up to 300,000 rubles, or correctional labor for a term of 180 to 240 hours;
c) criminal liability in the form of arrest for a period of 4 to 6 months;
d) all of the above (a specific measure of responsibility is established on the basis of the gravity of the offense).
3. What is the size of the state duty for the registration of an individual entrepreneur?
a) 200 rubles;
b) 400 rubles;
c) 1000 rubles;
d) 2000 rubles.
4. What is the size of the state duty for registration of a legal entity?
a) 200 rubles;
b) 400 rubles;
c) 1000 rubles;
d) 2000 rubles.
5. What is the law of obligations of the founders?
a) exit from the company founders are entitled to take their share of the share capital;
b) shareholders are entitled to receive annual dividends;
c) the shareholders have the right to enter into transactions on behalf of the organization;
d) shareholders have a right to repay their personal commitment by the organization.
6. What is the main difference from the non-profit organizations?
non-profit organizations do not receive income;
b) non-profit organizations can not engage in the sale of goods or the provision of paid services;
c) non-profit organizations can not distribute profits among the founders;
d) non-profit organizations do not pay income tax.
69. What records are required to maintain an individual entrepreneur?
a) all types of accounting and tax documents, and reporting forms;
b) primary accounting documents and some forms of financial statements;
c) a book of income and expense, income tax returns and some of the original documents;
d) no, this is the main advantage of IP to corporate entities.
70. What part of the authorized capital of LLC must be paid at the time of state registration?
a) to the state registration of the share capital can be no pay;
b) to the state registration should be made at least the minimum amount of share capital;
c) to state registration should be made at least 50% of the share capital;
d) the entire share capital must be paid at the time of registration of the LLC.
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