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1. Logic - is:
a) The science dealing with the collection and processing of various types of information;
b) the science of forms and laws of correct thinking;
c) a special section of mathematics.
2. Which one of the great scholars considered the founder of logic?
a) Aristotle;
b) Descartes;
c) Leibniz.
3. What was the name first system logic created by Aristotle?
a) mathematical logic;
b) Linguistics;
c) syllogistic.
99. How else called apagogicheskoe proof?
a) denial;
b) direct evidence;
c) the indirect evidence.
100. Why is the famous Godel's theorem?
a) problems with the formalization of the proof;
b) with the construction of a new system of calculation;
c) the development of the structure of mathematical logic.
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