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RSFirewall! v 3.1.3 - Extension for Joomla protection
Uploaded: 24.01.2023
Content: text 39 symbols
Product description
RSFirewall!this is the most advanced component for Joomla! A security service that you can use to protect your Joomla! Protect the site from intrusions and hacker attacks.
Additional information
of the RSFirewall! component: RSFirewall!supported by a team of experts who are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates, which makes RSFirewall!the best choice in saving your Joomla! the website is secure.
RSFirewall!offers a complete set of tools that you can use to avoid hacking. The extension allows you to perform a full site scan, see weaknesses and get instructions on how to improve the security status of your Joomla! Website.
The Joomla extension works in active mode and provides the user with new ways to protect the Internet portal. When the portal is hacked, the user receives a message to his personal email address about attempts or attacks on the site. By choosing this component, the user creates a high level of security for his portal and all the information stored on it.
Stay protected with SQL, XSS and LFI filters
Active Scanner
Visual graph of recent attacks
Password protection of the administrator folder
Block attacks with brute force
Blocking your site
Language files and extensions
Date of update: 21-01-2022
Component version v 3.0.10
License: GPL
Subject matter: Access and security
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Component Module Plugin
Language packs: English Russian
Developer: RSJoomla