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Russian business law online test 185.
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Product description
Collection of tasks for the discipline "Russian Business Law", 185 questions, online test score 4.
Exercise 1.
1. The subject matter of business law are:
A public relations in the relevant field
B. nonprofit relations
B. activities of commercial organizations
G. correct answer 1 and 2
D. Other
Question 2. Entrepreneurial activity is:
A self-employment
B. activities are carried out at your own risk
V.deyatelnost aimed at systematically profit
D. correct answer № 1,2,3
Additional information
Question 2. State Unitary Enterprise is the subject:
A. exclusive competence
B. special competence
B. Limited competence
G. overall competence
D. Other
Question 3. For small businesses include:
A. Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses
B. Individual entrepreneurs
V. small businesses
Mr. general partnership, all types of business entities
D. no right answer
Question 4. The founders of the legal person shall bear subsidiary liability for all its liabilities:
A. in the production cooperative
B. in a limited liability company
B. in a full partnership
In the joint-stock company
D. correct answer 1.2
Question 5. Among business partnerships include:
A general partnership
B. Production Cooperative
B. Joint
G. business entity
D. no right answer
Task 5.
Question 1. The authorized fund is formed:
A. in the production cooperative
B. Additional Liability
B. in a state or municipal unitary enterprises
In full partnership
D. Other
2. Citizens of the issue, limited in capacity, engaged pred¬prinimatelskoy activity:
A trustee may, with the consent of
AB has the right to permit the registering authority
V. has the right, with the consent of the trustee
G. may, without the consent of the Trustees
D. is not entitled to
Question 3. Unitary enterprises are based on:
A founding method
B. constituent administrative-way
B. permissible-constituent method
G. administrative method
D. Other
Question 4. Currently, the state registration of individual entrepreneurs made:
A. in the administrations of municipalities
B. in the Registration Chamber
B. the tax authorities
In the local administration
B. Other
Question 5. Whether a public body to refuse state registration of financial-industrial group in connection with the inconvenience of its creation?
A. Yes, without motivation
B. Yes, explaining the motivation
B. No;
D. No, except when necessary to protect the interests of the state and society
D. No, in no case
Task 6.
Question 1. How long is the registration authority shall register the newly created entity.
2. State registration of the issue is not subject to:
Question 3. Obtaining permission of the antimonopoly authority is a necessary condition for the restructuring carried out by:
4. If the question what form the reorganization does not arise yuri¬dicheskogo new faces?
Question 5. Limited Liability Company may be transformed:
Task 7.
1. Participants in the issue of economic partnerships can be:
2. The question of a general partnership:
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