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Russian language and culture of speech, technical OYUI
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Product description
Responses to test technical OYUI are in a file word.
Answer format: question -> answer options -> marked by the correct answer.
Answers to tests college OYUI latest, 100% guarantee the result of the test to assess the 5.
The questions in the test:
1. Historically, the established system of sound, vocabulary and grammar tools that allows people to express their thoughts and communicate is called:
2. Basis of the National Russian language - is:
??literaturny language
3. Specify features of literary language:
??otsutstvie form
4. The structure of the Russian language does not include:
??literaturny language
??mestny language
??natsionalny language
??obschenarodny language
5. learn the language - this means:
??ovladet phonetic system
??poznat particular sounding speech
??usvoit specifics sounding speech
??osvoit model of word and sentence structure patterns
6. Specify the signs of speech:
7. What forms of speech exist?
8. Specify the component parts of speech:
??nenormativny component
??etnichesky component
??kommunikativny component
??demografichesky component
9. Compliance with the literary language, which are perceived by native speakers as "ideal" or sample - is:
??literaturnost speech
??idealnost speech
??gramotnost speech
??pravilnost speech
10. What is the knowledge and application of the rules of language behavior in specific situations?
??Rechevoe rule
??Rechevaya Ethics
??Rechevaya rate
??Rechevoy etiquette
11. Adoption among most speaking in Russian, consciously supported and educated prescribed grammars and dictionaries exemplary methods of word - is:
??yazykovaya rate
??yazykovoe rule
??yazykovaya unit
??yazykovoy law
12. Which of these examples do not relate to homophones?
??Nahodka - a godsend
??luk - meadow
??kot - code
??kostny - bony
13. Culture speech - is:
??razdel philology
??obscheprinyataya norm of behavior
??normativnost speech and language skills
??razdel philosophy
14. Specify the characteristics of the literary norm:
15. Which of the following styles of speech does not apply to a variety of functional style?
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