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Russian language and culture of speech (tests MEI)
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Task 1
Question 1. In what forms exist Russian literary language?
1. oral
2. in writing
3. All of the above
Question 2. What is characteristic of the vocabulary of the written form of Russian literary language?
1. conversational household
2. Book
3. All of the above
Question 3. What is the vocabulary characteristic of an oral form of Russian literary language?
1. conversational household
2. Book
3. All of the above
Question 4. How many functional styles isolated Russian literary language?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Five
Question 5: Where there is a verbal form of Russian literary language?
1. In a conversation
2. in conversation
3. All of the above
Task 2
Question 1. Where there is a written form of Russian literary language?
1. in the works of art and science
2. in official and business documents
3. All of the above
Question 2. What is the basis of journalistic style?
1. The socio-political literature
2. periodicals
3. All of the above
Question 3. What is included in official business style?
1. The state acts and international treaties
2. Office and private correspondence
3. All of the above
Question 4. Where can manifest scientific style of oral literary language?
1. in university lectures
2. reports at scientific conferences
3. All of the above
Question 5. What characterizes the style of fiction?
1. The unity of the communicative and aesthetic functions
2. 2.smyslovoy capacity and polysemy
3. All of the above
Topic № 2. vocabulary and phraseology
Activity 3
Question 1. Lexicology - is:
1. The science of vocabulary
2. The science of dictionaries
3. The science of the meaning of words
Question 2. What is exploring semantics?
1. vocabulary
2. The word and its meaning
3. dictionaries
Question 3. What is called word?
1. Subject
2. The concept
3. All of the above
Question 4: What words do not express concepts?
1. The official word
2. interjections and pronouns
3. All of the above
Question 5. The metaphor - is:
1. The transfer of the similarity of names
2. The transfer of names of contiguity
3. All of the above
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