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Safety valve MCh00.05.00.00 solidworks
Content: 05.rar 1882,24 kB
Product description
Safety valve MCH00.05.00.00 3d model
Safety valve MCH00.05.00.00 3d solidworks
The safety valve is installed in pipelines, control and regulation systems to relieve excess pressure of liquids or steam. The valve is adjusted to a certain pressure with a screw pos. 4, which is fixed with a nut pos. eight.
When the pressure increases above the norm, the liquid or steam presses on the valve pos. 6, which, by compressing the spring pos. 7 moves to the right. In this case, liquid or steam exits through the openings of the valve and body pos. one.
When the liquid or steam pressure drops, the spring moves the valve to its original position. To ensure good tightness, the valve surface is lapped against the seat pos. 2.
3D model (shown in screenshots) made by SOLIDWORKS 2016.
It is also possible to open and view 3D models made in SOLIDWORKS in the SolidWorks eDrawings Viewer.
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