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Scandinavian sagas
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Uploaded: 01.11.2003
Content: sagi.pdf 1017,9 kB
Product description
"At first there was nothing: no earth, no sand, no cold waves. There was only one black abyss Ginnungagap ..."
Do you want to know how the world was created? Whence came the gods, and how one became the supreme god?
Scandinavian sagas literary treatment will help you find all the answers,
and get great pleasure from reading the myths and legends of the Scandinavian epic.
The book contains all of the major stories of the gods and tales of heroes.
The book is presented in a PDF-file, so that it can easily be printed in book form. The volume of the book 105 pages.
To read and print the file, you need the Acrobat Reader free of charge. Download it at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html
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Peter Petrov
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