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School Risk Assessment Cards
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Uploaded: 21.10.2020
Content: Карты рисков школа.rar 668,42 kB
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Product description
A package of documents for assessing professional risks at school (lyceum or general education institution) - 33 risk assessment cards for different professions; - a ready-made example of an OSHMS provision for educational institutions; - order to introduce an OSMS in the organization; - order to create a risk assessment commission; small explanatory note to documents
You are editing documents for your organization and a package of documents on risks is ready for you (description of risks, an action plan - drawn up for events in maps and risk management (there is a section in the REGULATIONS on OSHMS)) !!!
Documents in WORD format, compiled in 2020. The selection of risks and their assessment was carried out in accordance with the methods (2 methods, the description of the methods is indicated in the cards) and on the basis of personal experience in the Certification of workplaces and a special assessment of working conditions for 20 years.
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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