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Sending voice data over Cisco Frame Relay, A
Content: 91201092921207.djvu 6804,8 kB
Product description
This book presents the basic technical information on different technologies of voice data and detail all the topics that are taught in specialized homonymous intramural and extramural courses for certification of specialists. The book describes the terminology, concepts, technologies, and devices used in today´s networks, voice and seen the transition from legacy analog telephony technology to modern digital methods of voice for the local and global networks, methods of combining hardware with Cisco´s telephone exchange companies. This reference guide can serve as a basis for the study and implementation of modern technologies of voice, and as a textbook to prepare for the certification exam.
Additional information
Title: Transfer of voice data over Cisco Frame Relay, ATM and IP
Author: Steve Mc Kveri Kelly McGrew, Stephen Foy
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