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Setting №D-26 in materials, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
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Uploaded: 10.05.2013
Content: 30510081208130.zip 57,98 kB
Product description
Setting №D-26
For load-bearing elements of the aircraft (chassis parts and plating, stringers, frames, spars, etc..) Are widely used wrought aluminum alloys brands: D1, D16, V93, V95 and others.
1. Select a deformable aluminum alloy for the production of power de¬taley landing gear section 50 mm. Assign the mode of heat treatment, provides the highest resistance to fatigue crack propagation alloy, yield strength σ0,2> 500 MPa, elongation δ> 9%. Plot the heat treatment temperature-time indicating: the heating temperature, holding time, cooling medium.
2. Describe the structural changes taking place in parts at all stages of heat treatment
3. Provide basic information on the alloy chemical composition according to GOST, the scope, the requirements for this type of product, mehaniche¬skie and technological properties, the influence of alloying elements and others.
References 6
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