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Shovkunenko 0leg gunsmiths. A survival test
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Uploaded: 05.03.2012
Content: text 73 symbols
Product description
Fiction. Postapokalipsis.
File 1,7MV
Formats FB2, PDF, TXT
"Hanh did not want to conquer the Earth. Not landed troops, even picnics on the sidelines, and made only a brief halt on its endless path star! Only now then halt terrestrial civilization ceased to exist, and the planet itself has turned into a radioactive dump, inhabited by monstrous alien life forms.
But what kind of world do people? We know that - to survive at any cost. To survive themselves and help others survive. At least, Colonel Maxim Winds adheres to this principle. So in Odintsovo, has become only a tiny part of a global apocalypse, there was one of those who are able to open the truth behind the events, and try to save humanity is doomed. "
Additional information
ISBN: 978-5-699-48173-6
Publisher:, 2011
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