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Smolin produced and bought a hunting rifle (2009)
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Objective 1
Smolin produced and bought a hunting rifle ammunition. The gun was hanging on the wall and bullets were in the desk drawer. Taking advantage of this, the 14-year-old son Smolin took the gun, loaded it, and on the basis of hostile relations Klimov killed a classmate.
Qualify act.
Option: Smolin bought a gun legally.
Task 2
Printing Worker Gorshkov produced several notes with par value of 100 rubles. and repeatedly acquired them food in the city market. The extent of counterfeiting has been so high that distinguish them from the real could only expert.
Give legal assessment of the situation.
a) notes were made Gorshkov to play a trick on your friends. In this case, made denominations Gorshkov were deliberately allowed some inaccuracies that they can be easily distinguished from the real. One of his friends, in a hurry, took the bill and made a few days later he tried to sell it in the store, but was arrested;
b) passed the bill itself Gorshkov Toropov, but did not know that he will try to sell it.
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