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"Social and Economic Forecasting"
Objective 1. In 1998, the subsistence wage (BPM) in Russia on average per 1 inhabitant was approved in the amount of 560 rubles. per month. Food costs accounted for 70% of BPM. The budget for 1999 is approved by BPM with a growth of 20%. How much can be spent on food per month in 1999, the average citizen of every country, while maintaining the structure of consumption.
Task 2: The number of economically active population in Russia in 1998 amounted to 90 mln. People. The number of unemployed amounted to 9,000,000. Man. Experts Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation made a forecast for 1999 implies an increase of the unemployed by 10% compared to 1998, while maintaining the total number of economically active population. Determine the level of employment in 1998 and 1999.
Problem 3. In 1998, the number of people employed in the public sector amounted to 40 million. People, and in the private sector - 20 million. People. Total employment in 1998 was 80 million. People. According to the forecast for 1999 is expected to increase employment in the private sector by 20% due to a corresponding decrease in the public sector. Identify how to change the proportion of people employed in the public sector in 1999 compared with the previous year, when the total number of employees will remain at the 1998 level
Problem 4. In the current year the company proportion of workers engaged in heavy manual labor in the total number of industrial workers was 8.35% and is subject to the mechanization of work in the next year 80.5% of the workers toil. To what level will decrease the number of workers engaged in heavy manual labor in the coming year.
Task 5: The number of students in high school at the end of 1998 was 700 people. According to the forecast for 1999 assumes that the number of newly arriving students will be 120 people, and the number of outgoing students is 80 people. Determine the average number of pupils at the school in 1999
Objective 6. Describe the state with library services in Moscow from 1990 to 2000, using the following data.
Year of books and magazines (thous. Ind.) Number of public libraries
1990 200000 4000
1995 180000 3600
2000 (cave in.) 120 000 2800
Problem 7. Determine the ratio of advancing if the forecast development of the oil industry in 1999, according to experts will be 1,025, and the rate of development of the industry will be 1,015.
Problem 8. The mine for the period of annual coal production amounted to 1.2 mln. Tons, while the average number - 1,000. In the plan, the forecast for next year due to the implementation of organizational and technical measures provide conditional release 200 people, to increase coal production by 20%. It is known that the growth of average wages of 7%, while the share of wages in total costs - 30%. Determine the rate of growth of labor productivity in the following year.
Task 9. During the reporting period the company production volume amounted to 15 bln. Rub., And its cost - 12 billion. Rub., Including wages, with deductions for social needs - 4.8 billion. Rub., Material resources - 6 billion. rub. Of fixed costs in the cost of production was 50%. The planning period is planned to increase production volume by 15% and improve productivity by 10% and average wages by 8%. The application rates of material resources will be reduced by an average of 5%, and prices for them will grow by 6%. Define a target cost of commercial production.
Task 10. The company was sold 1000 units. products for the price of 50 rubles. per unit, and the unit cost was 45 rubles. The planning period is planned to increase production volume and sales to 2,000 units. for the price of 60 rubles. and reduce the cost to 40 rubles. 1 unit. Determine approx
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