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Social psychology of control with the answers, 10 Problems.
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Uploaded: 08.06.2014
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Product description
Social psychology of control, of 10 questions.
QUESTION 1. What are the periods of the development of social psychology in Russia do you know?
QUESTION 2. Give a brief description of methods of data collection?
Q 3. What types of team members' sociometric status, "you know?
Question 4. How do you understand the term "socialization"?
QUESTION 5. As there and fold interpersonal relationships?
Question 6. What types of communication isolated in psychology?
Question 7. What are the main characteristics of the group.
Q 8. What rules must be followed in resolving the conflict situation?
Question 9. What are the most important aspects of self-realization in the profession do you know?
Question 10. What are the characteristics of the individual professional form its professional culture?
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