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Software tools in the design of building objects
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Uploaded: 13.08.2022
Content: Программные средства в проектировании строительных объектов.pdf 430,13 kB
Product description
Answers to the test "Software in the design of construction projects" Synergy "MOI", "MTI". Passed 100 points. Questions for the test are posted below, after purchase you will receive a file with answers.
Design stages for facilities built according to standard and reusable designs:
As part of the project for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial purposes, an additional section is provided:
CAD systems...:
The geometric model of an object is...:
The window title contains...
Workspace elements can be...:
When opening an existing drawing:
The Date Modified tab of the Find dialog box is for...
The Advanced Setup wizard allows you to...:
Context menus are used to...
In AutoCAD, operates in a specific viewport...
The point is set with the cursor ... on the graphical field of the drawing:
When working in a polar coordinate system...
In the drawing representation in the internal graphics database, the coordinates of each point are given with an accuracy of at least ... significant digits
The handles are...
Mesh application...
The stepping interval is set depending on...:
In model space, a view is...:
The AutoCAD program is able to restore sequentially to ... previous views:
A drawing in AutoCAD consists of:
Similar lines, arcs, circles, 2D polylines, ellipses, elliptical arcs, straight lines, rays, and planar splines can be drawn using the ...
When scaling objects, scale factors along the X and Y axes..:
To exclude objects from a newly created set, you should...
"Handles" are called
The SELECT command works...
What editing commands: are applied to the multiline in the same way as to other objects...
A deleted object can be restored with the command...:
The chamfering process is...
Conjugation is called...:
The block definition is...:
To create one-line inscriptions on a drawing or when filling in the main inscription, use the command...
To finish entering text into a line and complete the command, press the .. key twice in a row:
To include special characters in a text string, such as a diameter symbol, a degree symbol, a plus or minus tolerance symbol, etc., you must...
Dimensional arrows are...
The dimension parallel to the measured line is created by the object created using the command...
AutoCAD uses...
The BHATCH command allows hatching...:
Masking objects are...:
An AutoCAD paper space component that simulates one sheet of paper of a certain size and stores a set of settings used when outputting to a plotter or printer is called ...:
Gradient fills are used for...:
The frame model is...
The body is...
Point of view is...
To improve the perception of 3D orbital views, one or more renderers can be placed on them using the context menu of the command
Camera movement is controlled by linking the camera and its target to...
Constructions in three-dimensional space are based on work in:
The construction plane is called...
The AutoCAD system provides standard UCS for the most common cases:
If you enable DUCS mode in the AutoCAD status bar, then...
In AutoCAD, you can match...
3D primitives in the AutoCAD system include...
3D polyline...
The limit of the degree of smoothness of the network cannot exceed...
Bodies are the result of...
Impossible to squeeze...
Unable to apply rotation to...
The rotation of the faces of the body is carried out ...
The visual style of 3D Wireframe is...
Soft lighting...
Remote light source...
Additional information
Answers to the test "Software in the design of construction projects" Synergy "MOI", "MTI". Passed 100 points.
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