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Solution D19 method Lagrange B21 termehu Yablonsky
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Uploaded: 03.03.2013
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Product description
Setting D19 method of Lagrange 2 kind. "Application of the general equation of dynamics to study the motion of a mechanical system with one degree of freedom (the method of Lagrange of the second kind)"
Caution This decision comes as a second method to the solution of D19 Options 1. Therefore, the decision not shown!
After payment you will receive rar-archive, containing black-and-white drawings in a format tiff (resolution 200-300 dpi) with the decision of the course work from the collection, edited by AA Jablonski years 1985-2006 edition.
This work was clear legible handwriting teacher with 18 years of experience and proven for 11 years in one of the high schools and more than two years on the Internet.
Additional information
The solution of the problem D19 from Yablonsky by the standard method is purchased separately.
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