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Solution D5 Var. 59, reshebnik termehu Targ SM 1983
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Product description
Decision setting D5 Option 59 from the textbook on theoretical mechanics (termehu) Manuals Targ SM 1983.
Condition Problem D5 (p. 47-49 zadachnik Targ SM 1983): Vertical shaft the AK (.. Figure D5.0, D5.9, Table A5), rotating at a constant angular velocity ω = 10 s-1, is fixed glide at point A and the cylindrical bearing at the point indicated in the Table. D5 in column 2 (AB = BD = DE = EK = b). Rigidly secured to the shaft rod 1 is weightless length l1 = 0,4 m spot m1 = weight of 6 kg and at the end of two homogeneous rod length l2 = 0,6 m with a mass m2 = 4 kg; both bars lie in one plane. Points of attachment to the shaft rods are indicated in the table in columns 3 and 4, and the angles α and β - in columns 5 and 6. Disregarding the weight of the shaft, and to define the reaction thrust bearing. When the final calculations take b = 0,4 m Setting D5 -. The application to the study of the motion of the principle of d´Alembert system.
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