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Solution K5 B1 termehu of Reshebnik Yablonsky AA 1978
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Uploaded: 15.12.2016
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Product description
Meeting the challenge of K5 Option 1 of Reshebnik on theoretical mechanics AA Yablonsky 1978 on the theme: K5 Determination of velocity and acceleration of points of a rigid body with the plane motion (page 99.).
Additional information
After payment you will get a solution to the problem K5 Var. 1 control work on the mechanics of tereticheskoy Reshebnik unique to the collection edited by AA Yablonsky 1978 edition.
This work was clear, legible handwriting or typed in a Word (saved in WORD format) a teacher with 22 years experience and tested for 17 years in one of the universities of the Russian Federation and more than seven years on the Internet across the country.
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