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Solution of the problem, an example of judicial practice and plot
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Solution of the problem, an example of judicial practice and plot
Joint-stock company "Peter House" engaged in wholesale trade of audio and video, decided to create a website on the Internet for e-commerce and the implementation of advertising their services. As the domain name was decided to use the company name, which is also a registered trademark.
However, the provider to which the firm has requested grant it the right to administer the domain, said that this is not possible, since this domain already owns Citizen Petrov. As it turned out, Petrov is the administrator of over one hundred domains, in one way or another used the English word «house». Over the past two years he owned it peredelegiroval several domains to various firms, who are in need.
JSC "Peter House" Petrov contacted and invited him to transfer the rights to the domain «peterhouse» for a small fee. Petrov refused to do, saying that he was ready to give up the rights to the domain only for a substantial amount. Since the company is not satisfied, she decided to take away the right to Petrov disputed domain name in court.
What current legislation can rely JSC "Peter House" in the fight over the ownership of the disputed domain name?
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