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Solution of the problem of the collection of Kep 2.4.30
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Ladder 1 weight G = 2 kN held in a horizontal position by a power cylinder 2. Determine kN force acting on the piston rod of the hydraulic cylinder 3, when torque M0 (G) = 2 kN · m, the angle a = 30 °, the distance AD = AB = 0.5 m.
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Immediately after payment you will receive a link to the zip file with the task 2.4.30 (Chapter 1 - statics topic - 2.4: Balance arbitrary plane system of forces.) In theoretical mechanics from the collection of short tasks Kep OE, JA Viba, OP Grapis, JA Svetinysh and others. Publishing Moscow / Graduate School / 1989, 2009, 2012. The task is made in the format word (typed or hand-written decision in a Word) or in manuscript form in the format gif, packed to the archive zip (open on any PC) .After checking the solutions would be very grateful if you leave your positive feedback.
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