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Special Mathematics and Fundamentals of Statistics Answ
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Answers to the test "Special Mathematics and Fundamentals of Statistics" MFPU "SYNERGY" (87 out of 100 points, all answers to the tests are listed below). After purchase, you will receive a file with highlighted answers to the questions below:
1. Bayes´ theorem - allows you to find the probability of an event, provided that ...
2. Which of the following is the formula of a trigonometric function?
3. An important feature of the placement is ...
4. Which of the following is an integral formula?
5. A/B testing is...
6. Which of the following is an integration formula?
7. Linear regression is a machine learning model where...
8. Which of the following is the formula for the probability of an event?
9. The Stirling number of the second kind from n to k, denoted by S (n, k), is called ...
10. Which of the following is a conditional probability formula?
11. Which of the following is the formula for speed?
12. Which of the following is a function of an integral?
13. Which of the following is the formula for a definite integral?
14. The loss function is
15. Which of the following is the formula for the derivative of the difference of two functions?
16. Frequency probability - limit ...
17. Which of the following is a probability space formula?
18. Which of the following is the factorial formula?
19. An important feature of the combination is that the order ...
20. Probability space is ...
21. Which of the following is the formula for calculating the loss function?
22. The probability of an event is ...
23. Which of the following is the formula for total probability?
24. Choice in statistics is
25. Which of the following is a formula for Bayes´ theorem?
26. Gradient is...
27. Confidence interval is
28. If the movement occurs in the direction of the gradient of the function, then we get ...
29. An integral is an analogue of the sum for ...
30. Conversion is
31. Linear regression is
32. Interquartile range (iqr) is...
33. A definite integral is applied when we ...
34. Probability density is...
35. A derivative function is ...
36. Which of the following is a formula for the Moivre-Laplace theorem?
37. Accommodation is...
38. Placement without repetition is placement where...
39. The probability distribution is
40. The combination is ...
41. A combination without repetition is ...
42. Combinations with repetitions are ...
43. The Moivre-Laplace theorem in the theory of probability states that the number of successes in the repeated repetition of the same random experiment with two possible outcomes ...
44. Poisson´s theorem - let there be a sequence of series of Bernoulli trials, ρₙ - the probability of "success", and μₙ - ...
45. Conditional probability is
46. A partial derivative is a derivative ...
47. Which of the following is the formula for the recurrence relation for n, k = 0?
48. Stirling numbers of the first kind (without sign) are ...
49. Gradient Descent is...
50. Stirling numbers of the first kind (signed) s (n, k) are ...
51. Which of the following means the Pochhammer symbol?
52. Which of the following is a placement formula with repetitions?
53. Which of the following is the formula for the recurrent relation for n>0?
54. Which of the following is a formula for Poisson´s theorem?
55. Which of the following is a combination formula without repetition?
56. Which of the following is the formula for the recurrent relation for k>0?
57. Which of the following is a combination formula with repetitions?
58. Which of the following is the formula for the Stirling number of the first kind (signed)?
59. Which of the following is a true conditional probability statement?
60. Which of the following is Bernoulli´s formula?
Additional information
61. Which of the following is the formula for the Stirling number of the second kind?
62. Which of the following is a formula for the geometric definition of probability?
63. Which of the following is the formula for geometric probability?
64. Which of the following is the formula for a differentiated product?
65. Which of the following is a discrete probability space formula?
66. Which of the following is the formula for finding the gradient?
67. Which of the following is the formula for the indefinite integral?
68. Which of the following is a formula for frequency probability?
69. What characterizes the loss function?
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