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Sports business managers
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Product description
Galkin VV Sports business managers. Textbook. - 2013, 182 pages
In this book, students and practicing managers can find answers to many of their questions, get to know the structure and principles of the functioning of a modern sports business. The material of the book is built so that in a simple, accessible way to present the main sections and activities of sports business, show his drivers and technology work of sports managers.
In order to facilitate the perception of the nearly all sections including illustrations and flow charts that help improve understanding and memorizing of certain principles of the sports business.
The author hopes that the reader is familiar with this book will contribute to the promotion of sports business, the dissemination of knowledge about sports and sports business, help in choosing a career, sports manager for people who have decided to make sport their profession.
Additional information
Chapter 1. The emergence and development of sports business
Chapter 2. Organization and carrying out sports show
Chapter 3. Forms of ownership and methods of management of professional sports clubs
Chapter 4. Trademarks and naming in the sports business
Chapter 5. Business for sports paraphernalia
Chapter 6. Advertising and sponsorship in sport
Chapter 7. Competitive sports business
Chapter 8. Sports fashion and fitness as a business
Chapter 9. Sports Business and Internet
Chapter 10. Ticket and media business in the sports industry
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