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Spur of state. Examination Strategic Management
Refunds: 1
Uploaded: 27.01.2012
Content: 20127235734090.doc 112 kB
Product description
Spur on the state exam Strategic management
1. Scientific approaches to management
2. A systematic approach
3. Marketing approach
4. The functional approach
5. Normative approach
6. An integrated approach
7. The integration approach
8. A dynamic approach
9. A quantitative approach
10. Administrative approach
11. Behavioral approach
12. Situational approach
13. Managing product development
14. The structure formation of system of strategic management
15. The life cycle of the product. The reproductive cycle of the product. The cycle the profitability of the product
16. Development of managerial strategic decisions. Requirements for quality and efficiency.strategic administration. solutions
17. Framework for the analysis of administered. solutions. Fundamentals of forecasting administered. solutions. The foundations of the economy. justification control. solutions
18. Analysis of competitive advantages. The overall strategic objective of the company
19. Analysis of the competitiveness of the Russian economy
20. Strategy formation of the firm. Strategic factors for competitive advantage
21. Strategic marketing as a tool of forming the company strategy
22. Strategy improve the quality of the product. The system of indicators of product quality
23. Foundations certification
24. Psychology of personality in strategic management
25. Methodological, resource, information and legal support the development of strategic plans
Additional information
25 questions, on one sheet of 8 questions, font 12, in the responses there are cuts, good grade, passing 2014.
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