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Spurs for schools on the subject of National History
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Product description
Examination questions on the course "History of Russia".
1. The history of science: the aim, object, historical principles.
2. The periodization of national history.
3. The origin of the Slavs. Eastern Slavs before the formation of the state.
4. Old Russian state and its operation.
5. The adoption of Christianity in Russia.
6. Russia in the feudal period.
7. Fighting Russian land against foreign domination.
8. The rise of Moscow. The formation of the Great Russian State.
9. Strengthening the autocratic power under Ivan the Terrible.
10. Development of serfdom and features feudalization in Russia.
11. "Time of Troubles" in Russia: causes and consequences.
12. The reform of Peter I in the field of public administration and social services.
13. The essence of economic modernization in the era of Peter I.
14. Culture of Russia in the XVIII century.
15. Yard coups.
16. The policy of "enlightened absolutism 'of Catherine II.
17. The essence of industrial modernization under Catherine II.
18. Recent efforts to modernize Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century ..
19. Decembrists, Westerners, Slavophiles.
20. Russia in the middle of the XIX century .: reasons for the lag.
21. Bourgeois reform in Russia 60-70-ies of XIX century.
22. Conservative, liberal and democratic trends.
23. Formation of the SR party, the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks.
24. The revolution of 1905 - 1907. in Russia. Start of parliamentarism.
25. Revolution 1905 - 1907 .: political parties, camps and programs.
26. Russia in 1907 - 1914. June Third monarchy.
27. The Agrarian Question in Russia. Stolypin's reforms.
28. The First World War: the position of the parties and camps.
29. The February 1917 revolution in Russia.
30. Russia from February to October 1917, the development of alternatives .:
31. Speech Kornilov and its collapse.
32. The crisis of power in the fall of 1917 .. The beginning of the October Revolution.
33. The October Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet system.
34. Civil war and intervention; political camps.
35. The transition from "war communism" to the NEP. The essence of the NEP.
36. Education of the USSR. USSR in the 20s.
37. USSR in the 30s. Collectivization and industrialization.
38. The foreign policy of the Soviet Union on the eve of the Second World War.
39. The beginning of the Second World War. The reasons for temporary setbacks of the Red Army.
40. Resource mobilization for victory. Stages of the Second World War.
41. The anti-Hitler coalition in the Second World War.
42. Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Results and lessons.
43. "Cold War": causes, nature, consequences.
44. The democratization of Soviet society after Stalin's death.
45. Development of the USSR in the 60-70s. Crisis manifestations.
46. \u200b\u200bRestructuring in the USSR: ideas and reality.
All material is manually typed summaries
It offered a fairly detailed answers to these questions ...
PS The optimal font size for printing - 6.
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