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State power, its properties and forms
Content: Kursovaya_Ramazanova.rar 88,61 kB
Product description
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of state power 5
1.1.Approaches to determining the essence of power 5
1.2.Structure and signs of power 7
1.3. State power and its properties 9
Chapter 2. Political regimes as forms of manifestation of state power 15
2.1. Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes as a form of manifestation of power 15
2.2. Tyrannical and despotic regimes of power 18
2.3. Religious power and ochlacracy 20
2.4. Democratic power 21
Conclusion 25
List of sources and literature 28
Additional information
2.1. Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes as a form of manifestation of power 15
2.2. Tyrannical and despotic regimes of power 18
2.3. Religious power and ochlacracy 20
2.4. Democratic power 21
Conclusion 25
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