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State Regulation in Economy TESTS RIU MEI
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Text control work on discipline "State regulation of the economy" RIU TANTAL
Task 1.
Question 1: What was made the main focus of Russia in the process of reforming the management system of the former state?
1. The development of the industry;
2. The improvement of the financial structure;
3. The improvement of agricultural production;
4. The change of ownership;
5. The reorganization of the system.
Question 2. What was the level of foreign production in the total volume of food sold in Russia in 1995?
1. 20%
2. 30%;
3. 40%;
4. 45%;
5. 50%.
Question 3. What is the key to economic progress?
1. The introduction of innovative processes;
2. competition and the market;
3. The reorganization of fixed assets;
4. improvement of technological processes;
5. The increase in the volume of investments in the national economy.
Question 4: What is the main task of government regulation at this stage?
1. Take advantage of the functioning of enterprises operating on the basis of public and private property;
2. The changing role of the social orientation of the economy;
3. The nationalization of industry;
4. The de-monopolization of all spheres of the economy;
5. regulation of regional development.
Question 5. The totality of what processes is the foundation of the economic system of the society:
1. Social;
2. technology;
3. investment;
4. Economic;
5. management.
Task 2.
Question 1. What is the role of government in the functioning of the market system?
1. the organization of foreign economic relations;
2. Protection in the form of ownership;
3. to promote the implementation of innovative projects;
4. to create conditions for investment in the main sectors of the economy;
5. to ensure the competitiveness of domestic producers.
Question 2. What are the distinctive features characterize a command economy?
1. central planning in production of industrial goods;
2. various forms of ownership of the means of production;
3. public ownership and collective decision-making;
4. The contract system of hiring employees;
5. distribution according to work.
Question 3. What is special about the American model of market economy?
1. a strong social policy;
2. The full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity;
3. The basis of economic relations is to ensure that the economic interests of each person;
4. lag in living standards of productivity growth;
5. imbalance of material and social sectors of the economy.
Question 4. What characterizes the Japanese model of a market economy?
1. a strong social policy;
2. The full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity;
3. The basis of economic relations is to ensure that the economic interests of each person;
4. lag in living standards of productivity growth;
5. imbalance of material and social sectors of the economy.
Question 5. What is the main difference between the Swedish model of the market economy?
1. a strong social policy;
2. The full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity;
3. The basis of economic relations is to ensure that the economic interests of each person;
4. lag in living standards of productivity growth;
5. imbalance of material and social sectors of the economy.
Task 3.
Question 1. What is the main principle of the German economic model?
1. a strong social policy;
2. The full encouragement of entrepreneurial activity;
3. The basis of economic relations is to ensure that the economic interests of the person;
4. lag in living standards of productivity growth;
5. imbalance of material and social sectors of the economy.
Question 2. What is the essence of the Russian model of "transition"?
1. a strong social economy;
2. all-round
Additional information
Task 10.
Question 1. What is the shortest way to create a competitive environment in the economy?
1. The privatization;
2. The privatization;
3. corporatisation of enterprises;
4. The change of ownership;
5. The introduction of the lease.
Question 2. What are the means of payment, mainly used in the first stage of privatization?
1. The personal savings;
2. The economic incentive funds of enterprises;
3. vouchers;
4. The currency is the leading Western countries;
5. state loans.
Question 3. At what stage of privatization of the possibility of mass transformation of the closed joint-stock company in the open?
1. final;
2. money;
3. The voucher;
4. The establishment of large associations;
5. The complete divestiture.
Question 4. What makes a market economy the necessary flexibility?
1. The creation of financial and industrial groups;
2. The creation of holding companies;
3. corporatisation of enterprises;
4. small business;
5. The formation of investment funds.
Question 5. What is the share of job creation falls on small businesses in industrialized countries?
1. 20%
2. 30%;
3. 40%;
4. 45%;
5. 50 - 60%.
Task 11.
Question 1. What is the change of ownership in the national economy:
1. to reduce the interest of the producer;
2. to change the orientation of material production;
3. To change the structure of social activities;
4. the growth of business activity;
5. to re-production.
Question 2. What is the impact on the attitude to property enhances both producers and consumers?
1. Regulation;
2. ownership;
3. Loss;
4. The right to joint management;
5. granting the right of disposal.
Question 3. What is the state form of distribution of wealth?
1. The extra-budgetary funds;
2. The foundations of social protection of citizens;
3. Gross Domestic Product;
4. State budget;
5. The gold reserves of the state.
Question 4: Who takes over the costs of providing the population with a free set of services?
1. The non-government funds:
2. Social Protection Fund;
3. charities;
4. Private insurance fund;
5. State.
Question 5: When there is public ownership of the feasibility of education?
1. when the company is highly profitable;
2. During the period of sharp changes in market conditions;
3. during the downturn;
4. When no one has an interest in increasing the value of the enterprise;
5. in the case of very high costs of fixed assets.
Task 12.
Question 1. The main duty of the monopoly manufacturer:
1. improve the competitiveness of their products;
2. to fix prices for manufactured products;
3. actively develop Distributional network;
4. produce more at the lowest fixed prices;
5. promote the development of new enterprises in the market its production.
Question 2. How many categories are divided subsidy for the current activity state enterprise?
1. two;
2. Three;
3. Four;
4. five;
5. Six.
Question 3. On what basis are allocated capital grants and subsidies to state enterprises manufacturing equipment?
1. leasing;
2. age;
3. irrevocable;
4. As of the contribution;
5. under the guarantee of higher authorities.
Question 4: What are the priorities of the government policy is based on selective policy?
1. Market;
2. Regional;
3. interregional;
4. International;
5. industry.
Question 5. What is the effect on the market space sharp regional differences in the economic and social spheres?
1. positively;
2. deformed;
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