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Task 02100111-0300-0003 (judgment of ElektroHelp). Calculation of the AC circuit.
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Uploaded: 09.03.2008
Content: 02100111-0300-0003-v.zip 77,8 kB
Product description
In an electrical circuit consisting of a source of harmonic EMF inductor L, a capacitor C and a resistor R, included measuring devices - voltmeters and ammeters AC and power meter that measures active power consumed in the circuit. Circuit shown in Fig. Resistor 50 ohm. On the frequency of the source numerical values \u200b\u200breactances other elements are: the resistance capacity of 43.3 ohms resistance inductance 86.5 ohms. We know the power meter reading is 150 watts. Indications of other devices.
Additional information
Calculation of the AC circuit mixed compound L, C, R. solution using a vector diagram.
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