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Tasks Customs Law
Content: default.docx 27,31 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Exercise 1
The role of customs payments in the formation of a profitable part of the federal budget of Russia
Task 2
Calculate the customs value of the party parquet delivered under the contract of sale from Rome to Moscow. Basic terms - DDP, batch size - 2000 kg, commodity price - $ 10 per kg. Transportation costs: packing - $ 20, delivery to the airport of departure - $ 15, transportation to the airport of departure to port of destination - $ 725, removal of the destination airport - $ 90, insurance - $ 14.
Activity 3
Citizen rawhide U.N. posted on January 15 this year at a temporary storage warehouse, imported into the territory of the Russian Federation goods - sports jackets made in China weighing 30 kg. Until March 15, any action aimed at the release of the goods, rawhide has been taken.
21 November employee of the department of customs inspection report was drawn up on bringing to justice rawhide.
Qualify action rawhide U.N.
Are the actions of the customs officer?
Additional information
Legal problems with answers, the answer to the problem of law, Ready meet the challenges of law tasks by right answers, the solution on the right answers
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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