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Tatiana Polikarpov. From spring to fall.
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Uploaded: 08.06.2014
Content: 40608175255400.rar 138,48 kB
Product description
The story about his childhood, about the knowledge of the world, the education of the senses; how a person grows, he learns to understand how good and evil people, respect their work. For children of middle age.
Duration - 1941 (prewar months and the first months of the war).
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... such a joy to the world, under such a sky! I want to run! But I stopped near the poplars. Suddenly I remembered something. A shadow swept in mind, I was anxious that something happened here? What? Or at home, I forgot something? I looked up: blue fragments entangled in thin branches and boughs of thick - rose high pinnacle, and I´m small, very small insect with such a giant. Once there has been this: all ordinary, everything is visible - the sky, twigs, buds, wrinkled bark, tree, snow around the sun, and I´m standing at the bottom, and I think that´s already happened. What happened? And here it is: the morning, snow, sun, trees and the girl at the bottom, which feels that all this has been ... I felt dizzy, I grabbed the hand of the poplar and shook his head like a goat beard. Obsession! It´s like a picture in picture. I had such a magazine - "Bonfire." The cover boy and girl holding the magazine "Bonfire" and it is a similar picture: a boy and a girl with a magazine in his hands, the cover of which boy and girl ... "Download Tatiana Polikarpov. From spring to fall.
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