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Technological map for the foundation
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Uploaded: 25.12.2017
Content: tehnologiya-stroitelnyh-processov.rar 868,62 kB
Additional information
Graphic part: Technological scheme of production of works, Production schedule for shuttering works, Calendar schedule of work, Workforce schedule, Composition of the integrated team, Formwork construction, Sequence of installation and dismantling, Concreting scheme, Quality control of all types of work, Sealing scheme, Scheme reinforcement, Scheme of production of concrete works, Scheme of production of reinforcement works Technical and economic indicators, Material and technical resources, Directions for the production of works, Uk The field of application of the technological map
The contents of the explanatory note:
1. Initial data for design 2
2. Determination of the composition and volume of construction works 3
2.1. Calculation of shuttering works 3
2.2. Calculation of the volume of reinforcement works 4
2.3. Calculation of the volume of concrete works 5
2.4. Concrete maintenance 5
2.5. Decking 5
2.6. Removing the heater 5
2.7. Loading and unloading 5
3. Selection of the leading machine for concrete work 6
4. Technology and organization of work 8
4.1. Reinforcement work 8
4.2. Formwork 11
4.3. Concrete works 13
5. Calculation of labor costs and wages 15
6. Work schedule 16
7. Calculation of the composition of the brigade 18
8. Selection of auxiliary machines and mechanisms. Calculation of their quantity 19
9. Determination of the need for material and technical resources 21
10. Development of a quality control system 23
11. Development of measures for occupational safety and health 24
12. Definition of technical and economic indicators 25
13. List of used literature 26
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Note: The file format is RAR archive [868.61 Kb]: Drawings in the format: DWG - Autodesk AutoCAD + Explanatory note in the format: DOCX - Microsoft Office Word
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