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Technology of production of artificial stone
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Uploaded: 14.03.2004
Content: iskustv_mramor.rar 495,4 kB
Product description
This highly profitable production technology of decorative artificial stone, specially adapted for use in the home and small business.
Products manufactured using this technology do not differ from the natural marble and the manufacturing costs are minimal and far below the market value of finished products. The technology can be used to establish their own business based on the production of bathtubs, sinks, toilets, bidet, window sills, countertops, decorative products for furniture, statues and fountains. It is possible to do in the home.
Volume: format WORD, 20 pages. Size of archive: 500 kb.
Additional information
General characteristics of the material
The range of decorative products
Properties of products from cast marble
A short note on the subject.
Fillers for cast marble.
Resin injection rock.
Codes resins.
Description / Application
Formulation mixtures.
Personal experience of manufacturing artificial marble:
Calculate the cost of:
Raw materials
Harakreristiki raw materials
Processing of acrylic plastic.
How to create a cast marble
Comparative price list for products made of artificial stone.
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