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Test №3 Informatics - MEI
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Problem number 1
Terms and conditions: - The characteristic features of modern computers are
Answer student: - - - High performance;
- Diversity of data to be processed - binary, decimal, character, with a large range of variation and high precision representation
- An extensive range of operations performed as arithmetic, logic and special
- Large capacity memory; Development of the organization of input-output, providing the connection of various types of external devices
- All of the above
Problem number 2
Conditions: - Problem-oriented computing means ...
Answer student: - - - serve to solve a narrow range of related tasks, as a rule, with the management of technological objects, registration, storage and processing of relatively small amounts of data, performing calculations on relatively simple algorithms
- Have limited compared with the universal computer hardware and software resources
- Include, in particular, all kinds of control computing systems
- All of the answers are correct
- There is no right answer
Problem number 3
Terms and conditions: - The specialized computing facilities include ...
Answer student: - - - programmable microprocessors, special purpose
- Adapters and controllers that perform logic functions simple technical management of individual devices, units and processes
- Device matching and pairing work units computing
- All of the answers are correct
- There is no right answer
Problem number 4
Conditions: - Computers are successfully used for the calculations ...
Answer student: - - - multiplayer computer systems
- In computer-aided design
- In systems modeling simple objects
- In artificial intelligence systems
- All of the above
Problem number 5
Conditions: - Personal computer complies with accessibility and universality of application and has the following characteristics
Answer student: - - - low cost, which is in the range of availability for an individual customer; autonomous operation without special requirements for environmental conditions
- Flexible architecture providing its adaptability to a variety of applications in the field of management, science, education, domestic
- "Friendly operating system and other software makes possible to work with it without any special user training
- High reliability (more than 5,000 hours MTBF)
- All of the above
Problem number 6
Terms and conditions: - The program: boot ...
Answer student: - - - software modules provide accommodation in the main computer memory
- Allows you to automate the process of debugging user programs
- Allows you to perform various service functions: Dubbing (copying) programs and files, printing, sorting and organize files and other.
- Provides automated troubleshooting and checking the operation of individual machine components
- There is no right answer
Objective number 7
Terms and conditions: - The need for software development is due to the following:
Answer student: - - - ensure the efficiency of technical means, because without the software they can not carry out any computational and logical operations
- To provide user interaction with technology
- Shorten the cycle on the task to get the result of its decision
- More efficient use of hardware resources
- All of the above
Task number 8
Conditions: - Spreadsheet (table processor) - ...
Answer student: - - - software packages for processing tabular data organized way
- A software package designed to automate planning processes use different resources (time, money, materials) as the
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