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Test Synergetic fundamental paradigm
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Finished Tests KCE
1. Synergetic fundamental paradigm
eleven. Ontology - the doctrine of ...
A) knowledge; B) nature;
B) values; D) existence.
12. Axiology - is:
A) the doctrine of the material process;
B) metric properties;
B) connection of the various elements;
D) the teaching of values.
13. Epistemology - is the study of:
A) knowledge; B) the space;
C) a description of nature; D) matter.
14. Objects exhibiting increasing increasing the number of parts - a ...
A) attractors; B) fractals;
B) bifurcation; D) there is no correct answer.
15. What is the principle of fractal:
A) the possibility of generalization, complexity of the structure of the system in the process of evolution; B) minimum number of key parameters; B) is not important in the formation of the elements, and integrated structure;
D) the possibility of modeling the evolution of a system with multiple parallel theoretical approaches?
16. What explores the synergy?
A) the effect of the interaction of large systems; B) The effect of the interaction of small systems; B) linear systems;
D) there is no correct answer.
1.7. When there was synergy?
A) in the 60-ies. XX century .; B) in the 70-ies. XX century .;
B) in the 70th. XIX century .; D) in the 80th. Twentieth century.
18. Who laid the foundations of synergy?
A) R. Mayer, J. Joule and Helmholtz; B) Boltzmann and Gibbs; B) H. Haken and I. Prigogine;
D) Carnot.
19. Models of synergy - the models
A) non-linear, non-equilibrium systems, subjected to the action of factors;
B) linear and non-equilibrium systems;
B) and non-linear equilibrium systems;
D) linear and equilibrium systems are not exposed factors.
1.10. Identify the incorrect statement that ...
A) Methods of Synergetics to a large extent overlap with the methods of the theory of vibrations and waves, thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes, catastrophe theory, the theory of phase transitions in statistical mechanics, etc .;
B) synergy explores the organizational point of interaction effect of large systems;
B) scientific theory does not explain the whole field of phenomena in nature from a unified point of view;
D) attractor - the state of the system to which it is evolving.
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Finished Tests KCE
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