Test Two forms of culture as reflected th two types of

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Test Two forms of culture as reflected th two types of

4.1. What occupies a leading place in the culture of our era?
A) computer achievements;
B) painting; B) science; D) music.
4.2. From whose point of view does symbolism permeate all human relationships to the world - nature and another person?
A) Ernst Mach; B) Maxwell;
B) P.A. Florensky;
D) I.N. Kalinauskas.
4.3. The picture of the world, painted by the classical mind, is ...
A) a world devoid of all good;
B) a world not devoid of dreaming;
B) a world rigidly bound by cause-effect relationships;
D) there is no correct answer.
4.4. Who proclaimed "Knowledge is power"?
A) F. Bacon; B) Sechenov;
B) Mendeleev; D) Timiryazev.
4.5. The paradigm is:
A) a continuous form of matter, described by the power and energy characteristics;
B) the general way of seeing the world;
B) the totality of the energy possibilities necessary for the act of action in the system;
D) the science of self-organization in nonequilibrium open systems of various nature.
4.6. Point out the correct statement: the problem of two cultures ...
A) the problem of culture of the west and east
B) the problem of mutual understanding of Islam and Christianity
C) the problem of mutual understanding between the naturalist and the humanities
D) a problem that does not exist in the modern world.
4.7. Damage to anthropocentrism is:
A) the principles of unity with the outside world have been forgotten; humanity on the verge of self-destruction;
B) humanity has realized its mission of co-authorship on the path of cosmic evolution;
C) humanity has returned to a spiritually healthy society, living in harmony with nature;
D) historical roots of mankind are forgotten.
4.8. What is the common metalanguage of the naturalist and the humanities:
A) in the polar separation of sciences;
B) there is an understanding and a counter movement of two cultures, a return to unity at a new level of awareness of nature;
B) in rapprochement against the background of similarities studied by the forces of nature;
D) the single metalanguage of the naturalist and the humanities has not been created.
4.9. The humanities are ...
A) rational, universal way of comprehension of the world;
B) intuitive, associative - figurative way of comprehension of the world;
B) the spiritual and moral way of comprehending the world;
D) there is no correct answer.
4.10. The natural sciences are ...
A) intuitive, associative - figurative way of comprehending the world;
B) spiritual, moral way of comprehending the world;
C) a rational, universal way of understanding the world;
D) an experienced, provable only on the facts way of comprehending the world.


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