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Test Variety of living organisms
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Product description
15. The diversity of living organisms is the basis for the organization and stability of the biosphere
15.1. Name the groups of organisms that are not related to eukaryotes:
A) animals; B) viruses;
B) bacteria; D) mosses.
15.2. Arrange systematic taxa in the order of complicating the organization of the organism:
A) order, order; B) family;
D) genus; D) view.
15.3. The process of evolution of a biogeocenosis is called:
A) nomogenesis; B) phylogeny;
B) succession; D) Destruction.
15.4. According to the teachings of VI. Vernadsky, a living substance is:
A) renewable cells in the body;
B) organic compounds;
B) the totality of all living organisms;
D) inhabited planet.
15.5. The virus in the biological plan is:
A) nucleoprotein;
B) molecule - the causative agent of infection;
B) a substance possessing the properties of a being;
D) the causative agent of infectious diseases, reproducing inside living cells, non-cellular organization.
15.6. What kind of evolution does the macrocosm concept have?
A) cosmic; B) chemical;
B) biological; D) physical.
15.7. The stability of the biosphere as a whole, its ability to evolve is explained:
A) a system of relatively independent biocenoses and a variety of organisms;
B) the relationship between living and non-living matter;
B) the concept of short-range action;
D) international agreements.
15.8. The biosphere, as a hierarchical constructed unity includes:
A) individual, population;
B) biocenosis; B) biogeocenosis;
D) space.
15.9. Arrange the organisms in order of increasing the "speed of life transfer" (capture of the planet´s surface):
A) flowering plants;
B) infuser shoes;
B) bacteria; D) mammals.
15.10. Low-organized living organisms in which there is no true nucleus of the cell, DNA is located in the cell freely, without separating from the cytoplasm by a nuclear membrane are called:
A) lichens; B) Mosses
B) prokaryotes; D) eukaryotes.
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