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Tests on discipline "Logic"
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Tests on discipline "logic" was commissioned in Moscow in 2013 IMEI.
Apart from the test file attached card with the answers.
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Collection of tasks on discipline
1. Choose the correct answer to the question, and note the card answers.
Question 1. Which of the following categories related to the subject of science "logic"
1. Form and means thought necessary for the management of knowledge in any field of knowledge.
2. The forms and laws of correct thinking.
3. The laws and forms, methods and operations of thought by which a person perceives the world around him.
4. The forms of sensory perception.
5. The structure of thought.
Question 2. What forms of expression denote sensual poznaniya
1. Emotions.
2. Submission of perception.
3. Experiences.
4. Mood.
5. Mind.
Question 3. What forms of expression do not represent the logical myshleniya
1. Concept.
2. Judgments.
3. Theory.
4. conclusion.
5. The correct answer is no.
Question 4. Which of the following statements disclose the concept of "representation"
1. It is a form of indirect and generalized reflection of reality.
2. This form of thinking, which reflects the essential features of objects.
3. This sensual image of the object, which is the earliest in one form or another was seen, but that is currently not available.
4. It is a form of visual perception of the subject.
5. This form of the generalized perception of the world.
Question 5. Which statements are marked features abstract myshleniya
1. Nonobjective perception of the world.
2. The inextricable link with the language.
3. Reflection of the world and its transformation.
4. The optimum form of understanding the world.
5. The correct answer is 1.3.
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