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Tests tax obligation and its execution
Content: test14.docx 11,05 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
1. The claim for payment of the tax - is:
a) a written notice to the taxpayer of the unpaid tax, as well as the obligation to pay it on time;
b) a written statement of the taxpayer on income received, expenditure incurred and the amount of the calculated tax;
c) an oral notice to the taxpayer of the unpaid tax, as well as the obligation to pay it on time.
2. The back taxes for individual entrepreneurs will be charged in the following order:
a) uncontested;
b) the court;
c) judicial or uncontested - at the discretion of the tax authority.
3 Arrears on individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, are charged in the following order:
a) uncontested;
b) the court;
c) judicial or uncontested - at the discretion of the tax authority.
4. Seizure of property is possible in respect of the property:
a) Only a natural person;
b) Only the legal entity;
c) both physical and legal entities.
5. Suspension of Operations on the current account of the taxpayer - is:
a) suspension of all profitable transactions on the current account of the taxpayer;
b) the suspension of all revenue and expenditure transactions on the current account of the taxpayer;
c) suspension of debit transactions on the current account of the taxpayer.
6. Collection of taxes at the expense of the taxpayer aimed primarily:
a) cash on hand of the taxpayer;
b) the property does not participate directly in the production process;
c) the property is directly involved in the production process.
7 Complete the arrest of the taxpayer - is a situation where:
a) the taxpayer may possess, use and dispose of property, but with the permission of the tax authority;
b) the taxpayer is not entitled to dispose of the property, and can own and use, but with the permission of the tax authority;
c) has no right to use and dispose of property
Additional information
The finished dough Taxes
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |