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The book "The person on the planet who loves the world» (.fb2)
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Uploaded: 11.08.2011
Content: sun_myung_moon_autobiography_manofpeace.ru.fb2 551,54 kB
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Product description
In his autobiography, which became a bestseller in Korea, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon is divided memories of the eventful life: about the history of his family and childhood, school years, and the call of God at the age of 15 years of brutal persecution and imprisonment, the establishment of the Church Associations and early missionary work around the world, the marriage with Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, and the importance of the institution of family and marriage, as well as his passion for the unification of Korea and the construction of peace on earth. Reverend Moon tells the story of a number of projects in the fields of education, culture, arts and sports, on environmental and oceanic plants and boldly looks into the future of humanity and sends his message to the youth.
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E-book in the popular format fb2. Read a book from the computer screen, on mobile phones, devices such as iPad, iPhone and iPod, on specialized reader: Pocketbook, Sony, Wexler and others. Reader.
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