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1.Narusheno a requirement of the law of sufficient reason in any of the following statements?
a) D. I not engaged in speculation, because it can not be held criminally responsible.
B) This offense is not intentional, then it applies to careless offenses.
2. Do logical conclusion, if possible, by the treatment and by converting each of the following statements:
A) The offense when there is a qualification of the wrongful act in full
B) Some witnesses do not give truthful testimony.
3.Sdelayte logical conclusion and verify the resulting syllogism:
A) An administrative offense - anti-social act. An administrative offense is not a crime. Consequently…
B) Some crimes are premeditated. Negligent grievous bodily harm - a crime. Consequently…
4.Opredelite terms greater and smaller parcels, conclusion; select the shape and mode of syllogism. It is concluded? If not, then what kind of rule is broken?
A) Evidence obtained in violation of the law, has no legal force. Therefore, this evidence is not legally binding, since it was obtained in violation of the law.
B) The power of attorney, which does not indicate the date of the transaction is invalid. This power of attorney contains the date of the transaction. Consequently, this authorization is valid.
5. infer and check the correctness of the syllogism:
A) All lawyers have a higher education. Some lawyers work in law enforcement bodies. So ....
B) Knowingly illegal detention or detention shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years. Knowingly unlawful remand in custody or detention is a crime against justice. Consequently……
6.Opredelite the logical structure of these conclusions; if necessary, to draw conclusions. Check that it is correct:
A) They can not serve as proof of the actual data reported by the witness, if he can not tell the source of his knowledge. The actual data reported by a witness in this case, can not serve as proof. Consequently…
B) an intentional crime committed with direct or indirect intent. This crime is not found direct intent. Consequently…..
7.Opredelite logical relationship between the following concepts and express the relation with the help of a circular pattern of Euler:
The offense, crime, robbery, theft of state property, premeditated crime.
8.K prove the facts pick proof, then build Evidence Act:
A) as a conditional positive-valued,
B) as the separator clearly negative
"N. He makes hacking "
9.Opredelite kind of question, its logical structure is correct. Apply a method of reducing the initial problem to the available secondary issues. Build the right answer.
A) If the person is not able to answer for their actions, then we have to be regarded as socially dangerous act committed by him, a crime?
B) Why is not the logic of legal science?
10.Priznav first judgment in each pair of true, determine what can be said on this condition with respect to the truth (or falsity) of the second judgment of the same pair:
A) no deal will remain unformed. - Some transactions are not unformed
B) a completed crime is robbery at the time of the attack. - Robbery is not consummated crime at the time of the attack.
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