The exchange rate improving wages

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Content: Совершенствование оплаты труда на предприятиях - 56%.rar 89,75 kB
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Product description

The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages The exchange rate improving wages

ntroduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of improving wages in the enterprise 5
1.1.Suschnost wages and its functions 5
1.2.Formy and remuneration system 8
1.3.Puti improvement of wages in enterprises 15
Chapter Summary January 19
Chapter 2. Overview of the wage statistics in the budget and commercial enterprises of Omsk 21
2.1. Review statistics wage organization in medical and educational institutions of Omsk 21
2.2. Review statistics of wages organization in industrial enterprises of Omsk 26
Conclusions 36 Chapter 2
Chapter 3. Ways to improve wages at the enterprises of Omsk 37
3.1. Ways to improve wages at the enterprises of Omsk 37
Conclusions 48 Chapter 3
Conclusion 50
References 53

Additional information

enterprise economy


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