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The final exam of 100 questions RFEI Logistics
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It contains answers to 200 questions of the test.
There is the full text of all issues.
3 The first question from the test:
1.SPECIAL "Logistics" opened in Russian in high school:
A) March 2000
B) April 2000
B) August 2000
F0 August 2001
2.Schitaetsya that with the rapid development of information and computer technology closely related:
A) integrated logistics paradigm
B) marketing paradigm logistics
B) Analytical Paradigm Logistics
D) technological paradigm logistics
3. If among the criteria listed below have one that is not attractive to the consumer, and therefore, which does not require consideration in determining the goals of logistics management services, enter it:
A) service supplier of products with a relatively minimal cost to the consumer
B) service supplier of assured quality
B) service supplier of exactly at the stipulated time
D) service supplier of precisely specified amount
D) all of the above criteria are attractive to the consumer.
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