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the global economy ENGECON version 28
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Product description
2.4. Using statistical data provided in the annexes of these guidelines (exports, imports and GDP), perform the necessary calculations on the basis of the results vote openness of the national economies of individual countries and groups of countries (developed, developing, transition economies).
Objective 4.1. Ranking factors determining the investment risk in the Russian economy, the rationale of the system of measures to reduce investment risks.
Questions and tasks:
1. Determine the importance (rank) factors in assessing the risk of direct investment in the Russian economy today.
2. Assign points importance of each factor on the basis of the total risk assessment of all factors (maximum risk) - 10 points.
3. Offer a system of measures to reduce the risk of a direct investment in the Russian economy.
Task 5.8. Insurance currency risks. Using a currency option.
Initial data. German exporting firms signed a contract for the supply of equipment worth 20 million. Dollars. US to pay within 90 days of the shipment of the product. For insurance risk from the depreciation of the dollar exporter buys an option seller of the currency at the rate of 0.7 EUR / USD. The United States for a period of 3 months. Payment Options - 2.5% of the value of the option. At the time of receipt of payment the exchange rate is as follows:
a) 0,6 EUR / USD. USA;
b) 0,8 EUR / USD. USA.
Questions and tasks: Identify actions exporter in situations a) and b) and their economic results.
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