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The head of the administration of the Chekmarevsky dist
Content: S19-229.docx 13,63 kB
Product description
Glava administratsii Chekmarevskogo rayona prinyal postanovleniye o formirovanii munitsipal´nogo lesnogo fonda. V nego voshli vse lesnyye zemli, zashchitnyye lesnyye nasazhdeniya na zemlyakh sel´skokhozyaystvennogo naznacheniya, na polosakh otvoda zheleznoy dorogi i mezhrayonnoy avtomobil´noy dorogi. Dannym postanovleniyem on ustanovil normy i pravila pol´zovaniya lesnym fondom, a takzhe yezhegodnuyu raschetnuyu lesoseku.
Pravomerny li deystviya glavy administratsii?
The head of the administration of the Chekmarevsky district adopted a resolution on the formation of the municipal forest fund. It includes all forest lands, protective forest plantations on agricultural lands, on the right of way of the railway and inter-district automobile road. With this decree, he established the rules and regulations for using the forest fund, as well as the annual estimated cutting area.
Are the actions of the head of administration legitimate?
Additional information
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