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The history of government in the RF test 60 Problems.
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The history of government in the Russian Federation with the test answers 60 questions.
Task 1
1. Why "military democracy" can not be considered the first form of statehood ancient Russia?
1. Statehood in Russia during this period are not yet developed;
2. it exists in a consanguineous (tribal) community;
3. requires a non-alienated power in the general meeting of reaching maturity and the ability to carry a gun men;
4. precludes such an important means of governance as violence;
2. The final design of the Old Russian state at the Grand Duke Vladimir, and Yaroslav was due to:
1. unify the collection of tribute and the emergence of other elements of statehood;
2. The development of the process of social differentiation, by folding a single system of trade routes, the presence of a serious military threat;
3. The final assimilation Varangian dynasty;
4. The total submission of all East Slavic tribes;
3. Kievan Rus was not a monarchy in the strict sense because:
1. The political power was exercised by the Prince and urban communities together;
2. The community can banish the prince of the city;
3. Russia was "patrimony" of the entire dynasty of Rurik;
4. because the prince - not a monarch, and his powers were not enshrined in legislation;
4. The specificity of public administration of various Russian lands in the era of political fragmentation mainly explained by:
1. their economic development and the economic specifics of various lands;
2. The presence of the republican and monarchical forms of government;
3. The degree of social differentiation in various lands;
4. The political character of the ruling prince, his capacity for governance.
5. "The State patrimony" - is:
1. The form of government with a special order;
2. The system of power, based on the land immunity;
3. The political system associated with a particular form of government in which state power is moving closer to the large landed property;
4. The government, which according to the Rurik dynasty "lestvichnomu" order had together.
Task 2
1. Evolution of the Mongol-Tatar yoke explained:
1. The weakening of the political power of the Mongol khans over Russia;
2. The policy of the Moscow prince Ivan Kalita;
3. The resistance of the population of ancient Russia;
4. The creation of the most effective system in relation to the Russian conditions.
2. The emergence of the title "autocrat" by Ivan III was due to:
1. The finalization of a unified system of government;
2. The acquisition of the Moscow Rus state sovereignty;
3. marriage to Sofia Palaeologus and the emergence of a two-headed eagle as the state emblem;
4. submission of Moscow Northern Russian lands.
3. The image of the ideal ruler in Russia in XVI. He suggested:
1. The presence of the monarch of such qualities as rigor, justice and mercy;
2. The presence of the monarch outstanding intellectual abilities;
3. strict adherence to the rule of law by the monarch and political rights of all its citizens;
4. The presence of the monarch´s leadership talent and the ability to expand the national territory by military means.
4. Orders of the XVI century. - Is:
1. Institutions which have arisen in the course of further development of "pathways" - the branch of management under Ivan III;
2. Russia´s first sectoral management authorities, acting on the basis of departmental;
3. Chamber with a special office and archive, to implement the various royal commissions;
4. The management authorities of the palace under the autocracy.
5. Introduction oprichnina management was due to:
Additional information
Activity 3
1. How does the composition of the Boyar Duma was formed in the XV-XVII centuries. in Russia?
1. The composition of the Boyar Duma, was appointed king;
2. in the Boyar Duma were the most famous and wealthy nobles, who then handed the position is inherited;
3. The composition of the Duma elected on the Zemsky Sobor;
4. in the Duma were only Moscow boyars.
2. What was the "Table of Ranks", introduced in 1722 by Peter I?
1. The list of state military posts;
2. The list of public posts, including military, civilian and court orders;
3. The list of military and civilian court ranks (titles);
4. The list of officials (rank) officials on military, civilian and court services, which were forbidden to violate.
3. Where is the principle of collective decision-making in the era of Peter I?
1. Only in boards;
2. in panels and the Senate;
3. in boards, the Senate, the Synod, in the government of provinces and below;
4. Only the local authorities (gatherings, township meeting vowels, in the bodies of the county commissioners).
4. What are the acts took Zemsky Sobor XVI-XVII centuries. in Russia?
1. Only the regulations;
2. Acts on specific decisions of domestic and foreign policy issues;
3. any act;
4. cathedrals only endorses the decision of the king and the Boyar Duma.
5. What is meant decree of Peter III (1762) for the granting of freedom of the nobility?
1. The ability to travel freely abroad, the Russian nobility;
2. The release of the nobles from compulsory public service of military or civilian lines;
3. The possibility of free inheritance of his estate (whom He wills);
4. The right to fully immune against the serfs.
Task 4
1. What was created by Peter I the Senate?
1. The supreme legislative body of the country;
2. The highest judicial body of the Russian Empire;
3. the highest military authority in Russia;
4. The Senate had "mixed" function and wore zakonosoveschatelnogo nature of the emperor.
2. What´s the point of view of the state system means "condition" is first signed and then rejected by Anna Ivanovna in 1731?
1. Restriction of the provisions of absolutism "of conditions";
2. The transformation of the country into a constitutional monarchy;
3. The establishment of democratic governance in the Russian Empire;
4. The establishment of the rule, "the supreme."
3. What kind of foreign policy pursued by the government of Peter I?
1. The closure of the Russian market of foreign goods;
2. protectionism in relation to the domestic industry;
3. The state monopoly of foreign trade;
4. ensure the inclusion of the country into the European market.
4. How formed Zemsky Sobor XVII. in Russia?
1. The composition of the councils appointed by the king from each class;
2. The composition of the councils whenever elected regional representatives of various classes by order of the king, or the Boyar Duma;
3. Councils composed of representatives of the estates lifetime;
4. The composition of the councils are elected for 5 years estates in the region.
5. Does the system of state and local government, established by Peter I, in the post-Petrine Russia?
Task 5
1. What, in your opinion, was an "enlightened absolutism," as a system of governance?
2. What role in the Russian government acted, created in 1810, the State Council?
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