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The house from the foundation to the roof - Samoilov VS
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 02.09.2010
Content: samojlov_passw.txt 1,55 kB
Product description
The proposed publication rightfully can be used as a guide for the individual developer. The book adequately covers all stages of the construction of houses, villas, cottages on the construction of the foundation to the roof. Flow calculations are materials for specific projects of houses. An illustrative material is presented more than 170 illustrations. In the calculations, you can use tables in a book 25.
To recommend the adoption of specific solutions to take advantage of project types that are in the book more than 30.
The volume of the book: 384.
File Format: DJVU
The total file size: 6.2 Mb
Date archive 01.09.2010
Files are archived archiver WinRAR 3.42.
Buyers, positive comments, we will refund up to 20% of the value of the goods.
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