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The inside mechanism of enterprise ekonomichesky
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Uploaded: 14.09.2007
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Section 1. Production and organizational and economic structuring of the company.
The economic model of the enterprise.
Structuring a production enterprise.
Structuring enterprise management system.
Modern trends in organizational transformation of industrial structures.
Section 2. The structure and functioning of the internal shape of the economic mechanism.
The structure of the internal economic mechanism and the principles of its construction.
Institutional preconditions of economic functioning of the internal mechanism.
Forms of functioning of the internal economic mechanism.
The evolution of the economic mechanism of domestic enterprises.
World experience of domestic economic relations.
Section 3. Domestic prices and methods of their formation.
Functions and system of internal prices in the enterprise.
Methods of formation of domestic prices.
Domestic prices as a tool for organizing internal production and economic relations.
Section 4. The system and procedure planning.
The system and the content of the inner planes.
The principles and methods for developing internal plans.
The regulatory framework planning.
Section 5. The production program and its resource study.
The content and order of the development of the production program divisions.
Justification of production capacity of the production program.
The production program of human resources.
Section 6. Planning costs
The composition of costs and how these subsections planning.
Formation estimates subsections.
Planning of production costs.
Part 3. monitoring, evaluation and stimulation of activity
Section 7. Monitoring and evaluation
Control as a management function.
The criteria for evaluation.
Evaluation of industrial activity.
Assess the effectiveness of the flow rates.
Section 8. The mechanism of stimulation.
The role forms and sources of stimulation.
Stimulates the function of wages.
Remuneration for the final result of the collective and its catalytic role.
Stimulation through profit sharing.
Section 9. Liability for results.
The form and content of a liability,
Methods for calculating losses and economic sanctions,
Features intraindustrial liability.
Part 4: Methodological basis of analysis and optimization
Section 10. Analysis of the "Input - Output - profit"
The nature and conditions of analysis' costs - vipusk- profit. "
Analysis of balance and security operations,
Dependence of profits from operating activity and cost structure.
Section 11. The regulation and assessment of inventories
Optimization of inventory and supply of materials intervals.
Motion estimation of inventory and its impact on production costs.
Section 12. Adaptation of the operating system to change its load
The relevance of the parameters and forms of adaptation to a given volume of equipment operation.
Criteria and mechanisms for adaptation.
The choice of form for the purchase of equipment cost criterion.
Additional information
Ukrainian Language
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