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The nature of real objects, combating complexity
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Product description
8. The nature of real objects,
combating complexity
8.1. How can we characterize the process of order creation from chaos?
A) sampling of information from the already proposed;
B) ordering of information;
B) the emergence of chaos from the order;
D) selection of information from noise.
8.2. Processes in open systems are ...
A) from order to chaos;
B) from chaos to order;
B) in both directions;
D) they do not have a strict orientation.
8.3. What are the dynamic regularities for nature?
A) an exception; B) the rule;
B) the method; D) opportunity.
8.4. What is probability?
A) the concept expressing the measure of possibility, the quantitative characteristic;
B) the concept expressing the qualitative characteristic;
B) representation of the interaction of bodies; D) not exact information.
8.5. What does nature formulate in order for the probability of processes to become zero?
A) Opportunities; B) the order;
B) schemes; D) conditions.
8.6. What theories in modern science and practice can not be attributed, to those based on the use of random factors?
A) the theory of random search;
B) queuing theory;
B) The theory of equilibrium;
D) the theory of catastrophes.
8.7. What can cause chaos?
A) noise, external interference;
B) the presence of a large number of degrees of freedom;
B) a rather complex organization of the system;
D) all of the above.
8.8. "No physical experiments made in the inertial frame of reference can determine whether the system is moving uniformly and rectilinearly, or is at rest." What is this principle?
A) additionality;
B) Relativity;
B) invariance; D) similarity.
8.9. How do you understand the expression: all the laws of mechanics are invariant?
And those. have the same form (unchanged);
B) the same;
B) vary with the conditions;
D) i.e. they are not related to the existence of an observer.
8.10. What does the idea of integrity mean?
A) the goal of life is self-assertion;
B) it is necessary to live in harmony with nature, without disturbing its balance;
B) the world must be divided into separate parts;
D) active introduction of science into nature.
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