The parser discussion of inContact

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Uploaded: 21.05.2010
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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.06 $ for a positive review


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Product description

The parser discussion of inContact, workers. Powered by num forums.

To start the parser does not need additional software obespeenie should be laid down, just need to throw in the hosting folder and change the settings file.

CAUTION Immediately after payment you get a link to download. The item was placed on the hosting of this website.

Additional information

INSTRUCTIONS. Be sure to read or work parser nebudet!

1) Fill the file hosting,

2) unpack

3) Get a file folder. Delete the file config.php (from my parser)

4) Copy the file config.php from my forum (it contains all the data to connect to the database)

5) Insert the file to the parser.

6) Open the file in a browser vkontakte.php. (Example: http: //www.imya your / vkontakte.php

7) Enter the data and click OK.

8) We are waiting for a couple of minutes depending on the number of messages.

9) Finish.

Posts zalivayutsya forum with users.


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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.06 $ for a positive review.
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