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The Structural and Integrity of Nature
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Product description
5. Structural and Integrity
5.1. What is called the internal unity of the object, its relative autonomy, independence from the environment?
A) complementarity;
B) uncertainty;
B) probability; D) Integrity.
5.2. In nature, the "full" cause of any transformation is equivalent to its "full" effect. What is the name of this principle?
A) evolutionary characteristics;
B) sufficient reason;
C) causality;
D) Integrity in natural science.
5.3. What ensures the integrity of atoms, molecules, macrobodies?
A) gravitational forces;
B) nuclear forces;
C) natural forces;
D) electromagnetic forces.
5.4. What is the interaction in megahara?
A) electromagnetic;
B) Electro-weak;
B) gravitational; D) nuclear.
5.5. The form of being of matter, characterizing its length, structure, coexistence and interaction of elements in all material systems. What is it?
A) time; B) the space;
B) the universe; D) speed.
5.6. The most common properties of space are?
A) structure and extent;
B) three-dimensionality of space;
C) unidirectionality and irreversibility; D) all of the above.
5.7. Which of the following is a side of the basic dialectical contradiction of the primary substance?
A) asymmetry; B) parallelism;
B) perpendicularity;
D) symmetry.
5.8. What principle states that no meaning can be self-sufficient, and requires additions?
A) additionality;
B) causality; B) probabilities;
D) Integrity.
5.9. Who formulated the principle of complementarity?
A) Newton; B) D. Mendeleev;
B) Maxwell; D) N. Borom.
5.10. According to which position it is impossible to accurately describe two interdependent objects of the microworld?
A) the principle of additionality;
B) the uncertainty relation;
C) the principle of causality;
D) the theory of probability.
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